As a lover of all things food related Aoife has a passionate belief that what & how you eat profoundly affects your health, mood & energy levels. Dependency on processed & convenience foods, the wide use of additives & chemicals in foods & farming, combined with little exercise and busy, stressful lifestyles are all placing a heavy burden on our health, resulting in nutritional deficiencies, weight gain, allergies & ill-health to name a few. The science of Nutritional Therapy recognises that food is our main tool for prevention of illness, recovery & all round great health. By making the right changes to your diet, you can often feel much better very quickly.
Based in Bodhi Clinic in the busy town of Gorey, Co. Wexford, Aoife works with clients of all ages, guiding them through individually tailored nutritional programmes to address their specific goals or help improve and manage certain health issues. As a busy Mum to two young children, Aoife has a particular interest in family nutrition and empowering clients to make positive dietary changes, even in the busiest of lifestyles!
As well as seeing private clients on a one: one basis, Aoife also runs various nutrition and health focused talks, workshops and demonstrations throughout the year, from Bodhi Clinic in Gorey, and at various other venues, including schools, sports clubs, work places and health shops.
Aoife is a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist, having completed a 3.5 year diploma at IINH (The Irish Institute of Health & Nutrition) in 2012. She is also a full member of the NTOI, the regulatory professional organisation representing Nutritional Therapists in Ireland